An hour of Library music, Electronic sounds, sound effects and other cosmic curios.
Raymond Scott - The Sound of Money Being Wasted
Alfie Kabijo - Fire
Augustyn Bloch - Brain Work
J Fiddy/W Rockman - Approaching Danger
Joel Vandroogenbroeck - Ghost Town
Sven Torstenson - Heroin
Joel Vandroogenbroeck - Industrial Dream
Throbbing Gristle - D.O.A
Sven Torstenson - Hopeless Chaos
Walt Rockman - Stir Up In Nucleus
Environments 5 - Ultimate Heartbeat
Walt Rockman - Cancerisation
Environments 5 - Wind in The Trees
Raymond Scott - Cindy Alternte (Pop Rock)/Nice Sound #3
The Beach Boys - Solar System
Sergio Ferraresi - Asteroid
Bernard Fevre - Earth Message
Sergio Ferraresi - Satellit
The Sammy Burdson Group - Space Beauty 1
Dirty Fan Male - My Robotics Project 1
Barry Schiefer - Sonic Rhythm
Dick Walter - Activator
Rick Miller - Future Directions
Spectrum Mood Library (Space) - Deadline
Spectrum Mood Library (Stars) - Northern Lights
Laszlo Bencker - Feminique
Hiroshi Kawaguchi - Splash Wave
Spectrum Mood Library (Space) - Alien Threat
Gerry and the Holograms - Gerry and the Holograms
The Fall - No Bulbs