Best for 2023!

Keep an eye out..

More music and less trance and other superficial sound product in 2023! More badass DJ's and less no talent fashion posers please!
We'll be working on it even harder in 2023 in coop with the 508 studio in AMS; One of the sweetest joints we ever saw!
Also we'll be throwing another festival this year starting May 18th. How, what and with who is still unknown since there's a chance it could be a bit smaller scale but nothing is sure only that we'll be doing our best as always...
Also big ups to everybody supporting Intergalactic FM and especially our worker robots, suppliers and sponsors! We love spending your money!

Keep eyes and ears on and stay in the loop. We might open a new shop in 2023 vs some other activities but you'll see soon enuf!

fuck trance
studio 508
Intergalactic FM

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