Intergalactic FM presents: Electro Mix Challenge 2024

Robots, androids, aliens, astronauts, spacelings...
The deadline for sending mixes expired on the 25th and we are pleased to report that the number of entries is mindblowing. 
You guys rock!!!, thanks for all the effort you put into making this streaming event a success.
Because the number of sets we received is huge it is impossible to blast everything into the stratosphere in one weekend. 
We have therefore decided to schedule 3 consecutive Fridays and Saturdays, starting on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 November.
"But who, or what...are we dealing with?"
On this flyer you can see all contestants and we will post a stream schedule per day on Check the website for accurate playlist information, see who plays when, and let them rock you silly. 
Tune in, Friday November 29th at noon, or cry yourself to sleep later. 


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Central Intergalactic Time


I-F, Beverly Hills 808303, Esther Dune, Intergalactic Gary, Slick Chick:

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