Magic Waves Live Show

Tonight's transmission is beamed at you across the never by Captain Casio aka The Dusty Wizard from the dark depths of the blackest void known to high astronomers, eerie occultists and esoteric philanderers... Dresden, DE. Brace yourselves for a salvo of sonic firepower coming at you live and direct through the internet to your ears, mind and soul, featuring a bountiful plethora of exciting and enticing sounds including Post Punk, New Wave, Synth Pop, Cold Wave, Goth, Synth Punk, Dark Wave, Soundtracks, Dub, Reggae, IDM, Experimental Electronics, Proto-Techno, Krautrock, Kosmische, Cosmic Rock, Space Disco, Japanese Electronics, Teutonic Electronics, Iberian Electronics, Ambient, World, Electro, Cassette, Space, Obscure, Cult, DIY, Independent, Alternative, Underground and all things generally freaked out, funked up, turned on and totally mental. See you there at 20:00 CET on the Magic Waves TV Channel here:

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