Magic Waves Show - Sinister Glove's Xmas Special - A Place Called Old Newcastle Town

Ho ho ho ho ho hoh hoh hoh oho ho oh no ho ho ho Merry Christmas etc etc.

Sinister Glove will be bringing the unbearable joy and overwhelming fatigue of the festive season to you in this Magic Waves extra strength Christmass special. Fill your cup with sugary preparations and let the nausea flow in and out, in and out, in then out.

A delectable crimbo themed feat/feast of sound will be delivered by such seasonal sentimentalists of seasonal sentimentality as The Fall, Butthole Surfers, Tuxedomoon, Jonny Cash, Stevie Wonder, Antena, Phil Spector, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, New Order, V/vm, Gary Glitter, Monks of the Benedictine Abbey, with some library digital synthesizer noodling and some other rocking and rolling rooting tooting jazz-wow snow addled bullshit in the mix too!

Go grab a puce pop and lets fly ever more disastrously into another mega messy Christmas!

Hail Santa!

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