Radio Hinter x Intergalactic FM

Radio Hinter joins the Intergalactic FM Family! 

To celebrate this, we are doing a special broadcast from their homebase Der Hintergarten.
On Thursday September 5 tune in on the new Radio Hinter channel or on CBS, both on Intergalactic FM. 
Two streams, more = more. Or even better: come hang with us in the Biergarten.

Get ready for some epic mixXxing with I-F, Niels Klein, DJ Overdose and Richelle Soigni.

19:00-20:00 CIT - Niels Klein
20:00-21:00 CIT - DJ Overdose
21:00-22:00 CIT - Richelle Soigni
22:00-23:00 CIT - I-F

The entrance is free! Food and drinks can be ordered at the bar.

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