Videosploitation Wednesday FINALLY FFS!

Finally it will be happening; no more Mickey Mouse excuses for delays and what not..
Wednesday 7th is the first Videosploitation Wednesday. It our alternative for what was previously known as the Intergalactic FM Streaming Festival which we exploited during Corona Holidays of 2020 and 2021.
But holidays are over and we figured we do not have 11 days to sit here non-stop to host a complete festival :|
So we will host a Videosploitation Wednesday every time we have plenty of videos we love to show to you from people who bring mad crazy cool performances from an arty and/or rocking background! 
There is a rule tho: No DJ's!
We will continue to push DJ performances from the Panama Racing Club on all other Wednesdays of the month so the Videosploitation Wednesdays is exclusively for Bands and Performances; even magicians and what not could enter.
If you want to participate one way or another please contact us before you send anything since we have specific instructions.
Also do not hesitate to come up with ideas for the Videosploitation series since the sky is no longer the limit!

Wednesday Feb. 7th 1600 CIT we'll show you the ropes with your host Charlie!

(Big thanks for your patience it will be worth it!)

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