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Out for the count for a while.
Sorry for the trouble.
File under H for Hipster Doofus...
Welcome to the other week...
Magic Waves Show - 23.07.23 - The Sinister Glove
The previous dose of cosmic depravity...
I'm taking a break and will be back in September for more fortnightly shows. Thank you ...
Online for rewind now, link is
Dear listeners! SEER is having a break till September, thank you all for tuning in this...
Online now for rewind, stream at
Cosmic chants to a variety of Gods. Rites and conflicts of the unseen. Dark ambient, ex...
This show moves between mindful meditation and rogue nightmares on bad dope. Ambient, d...
Weekly show will return this autumn/winter. In the meanwhile I've uploaded one of my fa...
Proto-electronics, new wave, rhythmbox-a-vaganza, post-punk, 80ies experimental, sleazy...
Enter your resonance -
Online listening point A -
natural floating ambient and instrumentals in an ocean of time and space.
SEER Mixcloud...
latest show is up! colorful waterfalls of timeless retro-futurism. Spacial, ambient, te...
The 363rd, yes that's right, show is online for rewind now. Can you dig https://ww...
Back to the usual unusual.. quiet and monumental sounds and spaces, less is more is vir...
click it - pick it - flick it
Up! Up! Up!
latest BOG show is up! Music, dialogue & FX from Columbo
SEER Mixcloud - https://ww...
Trouble with the officials in AMS so we have to move our Sunday action to The Hague; Pa...
Melancholic and spiritual expressions all finding a home in this supernatural forest. A...
An everyday characteristic of this blissful community with it's one dark secret. Ambien...
Show is now online for rewind. Listen here
An hour of Library music, Electronic sounds, sound effects and other cosmic curios.
The MurderCapital Dickies overalls mean business!
If you a job to be done do it yoursel...
A festive procession of Colombian folklore, cumbia etcetera! with Decipher
SEER Mixclou...
Check out that funky IFMX shop!
More modern and more exclusive as ever...